Docker cheat sheet

Recently I started using docker extensively and found the number of commands you need to have on your tips quite overwhelming. So here is my list of most common commands which I referred the most.

NOTE: The list below is of commands that I needed most commonly to work with docker and does not elaborate on all the options that are available with these commands (hence the cheat sheet).

Build a docker image

docker build -f <dockerfile path> -t <image-name> <build-context>

Example: Build a docker-file in the current directory and tag it with myapp version 1.0. Build context is the current directory (notice the ‘.’)

docker build -f dockerfile -t myapp:1.0 .

List all the images

docker images

Add option ‘-a’ to list all images including intermediate images

Pull an image from the registry

docker pull <image-path>

Example: Pull an image from docker hub

docker pull microsoft/aspnetcore

Remove a docker image

docker rmi <image-name>

Example: Remove image ‘sampleapp:dev’

docker rmi sampleapp:dev

List all containers

docker ps –all

Run a container

docker run -d -p <host-port>:<container-port> –name <container-name> <image>

Example: Run a container mycontainer from image myimage:v1 and publish ports (-p) 80 from container to 8080 on the host.

docker run -d -p 8080:80 –name mycontainer myimage:v1

Example: Run a SQL Server container.

docker run -e “ACCEPT_EULA=Y” -e “SA_PASSWORD=abcd@1234” -p 1433:1433 –name sqlserver-test -d

Run a command inside a container

docker exec –it <container-name> <command-name>

Example: Run bash inside a container named ‘mycontainer’ in interactive mode (–it)

docker exec -it mycontainer bash

Get logs on a container

docker logs <containername>

Start a container

docker start <containername>

Stop a container

docker stop <container-name>

Remove a container

docker rm -f <container-name>

‘-f’ option forces the container to be removed. Removing -f option would first require us to stop the container and then remove.

Remove all stopped or running containers (for windows command line)

FOR /f “tokens=*” %i IN (‘docker ps -aq’) DO docker rm -f %i

If you would like to get into details and need a reference docker documentation is really an extensive resource. If you are working with docker on windows (like me) then refer this pluralsight course for basics and this one for working with docker and core.


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